Press contact arteba Foundation
Paraná 1160. 3 A. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Paraná 1160. 3 A. Buenos Aires. Argentina
How to mention arteba
Whenever arteba is mentioned in a text or article, we would appreciate it being written as arteba or ARTEBA, paying special attention to the letter case and the indivisibility of the brand name.
Incorrect uses: Arte BA, arte BA, arteBa, arteBA
Exceptional uses: if arteba is mentioned at the beginning of a sentence, correct punctuation will be followed by writing Arteba [with a capital letter]
Whenever the Foundation is mentioned in a text or article, we would appreciate it being written as arteba Foundation.
arteba's Flickr is continuously updated with high-resolution images of all the fair's contents and arteba's activities.
Fundación arteba allows the use in the media of the images uploaded to its Flickr space.
Please mention the following in the caption: Courtesy of Fundación arteba.
The production of arteba's photographs is made possible thanks to the Cultural Patronage Program of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.
View imagesFundación arteba has been declared of national interest by: